Who We Impact
What is Life Like in the Village
The conditions in Irechelo Village make life very difficult for the children

Few Comforts!
There is minimal electricity.
There is very few opportunities to work.
Orphans do not have a place to sleep and depend on the kindness of villagers for food.
Parents lack the resources to provide basic care.
Food: Not enough to eat!
Families eat meager meals with what little they grow.
The soil is poor and they cannot afford fertilizer.
Many children go without having meals which leads to high malnutrition rates.
Orphans and vulnerable children are unable to afford school fees or buy required uniforms and resources to obtain an education.
These children have little hope for a better future.
Overview of What We Do

We have successfully accomplished drilling a well and building a holding tank that was completed in the summer of 2020.
We provide a monthly gathering for children to have a meal and mentoring.
Our sponsorship program allows children of all ages to attend school and give them hope.
We provide a Christmas dinner and useful gifts to help make a better life for the children.
Our final focus is to build the Mama Alice Children’s Resource Center where these 300 orphans and vulnerable children will be offered support for school and health needs, as well as emotional and spiritual care.