What We Do

Loving and Caring for the Children
Meals for the Children: For $2.10 per child, we provide a full protein meal once a month. With your generous donation, we can increase the frequency of these meals to support their health and well-being.
Providing essential needs like shoes, blankets, soap, and mattresses are given each Christmas to improve their quality of life.

Water for Life
In 2020 Into Kenya had a well dug and a 10,000-liter holding tank erected to provide safe water for drinking, bathing, and preparing food. Children take their plastic jugs to the well each morning to get water for their school day. The well is used by about 2,000 people each week.

Change a Life by Sponsoring a Child
Supporting a life-changing opportunity for an orphan to attend school and the systems that need to be in place to make this happen.
- School uniform – children cannot attend school without one.
- One meal a day during the school day. It may be the only meal they get.
We will pay school fees and needed educational resources.

Whose Life are We Changing
We impact 300 orphans and vulnerable children who struggle with food insecurity and daily needs. We offer Sponsorships for children who do not have school fees and uniforms to attend school. We support life-changing opportunities and hope to orphans and children through educational, physical, and spiritual development. We provide safe water for villagers and children and we provide for orphans and vulnerable children monthly gatherings to have a nutritious meal and mentoring.

Building the Mama Alice Children's Resource Center
Into Kenya’s next plan is to construct a building.
- To help children when they miss school by providing tutoring and guidance.
- To provide a kitchen for preparing the meals for the children.
- To provide a dry area for eating and gathering.