Roger Klemm, Kay Mills and Gama Aywa visited Irechelo Village (Gama’s home village) in 2016 and were moved by the number of orphans and vulnerable children and wanted to do something to help them. Mama Alice, Gama’s mother, has helped many orphans by taking them into her humble home and feeding them, but there are too many now for her to continue to help them all. They started Into Kenya which is 501(c)3 non-profit mission incorporated in the State of Illinois and is operated by 100% volunteers.
Into Kenya uses funds to support the educational, physical, and spiritual development of orphans, half orphans (only one parent), and vulnerable children who struggle with daily necessities and school supplies. These children have little hope for future employment even if they stay in school as their families or village cannot afford higher education. The children have no toys, minimal clothing and food, and live with daily stressors of not knowing when they will get their next meal and where they will sleep that night. We provide nourishment to fill empty stomachs so children can thrive and learn.
At Christmas, Into Kenya provides a meal and a present of essentials that orphans need: A blanket to keep them warm during the cold season because they sleep on the floor. Shoes to protect their feet against injury and infection. One long bar of soap can be broken into segments and is used for bathing, washing dishes and washing clothes. Toothbrushes, even without toothpaste, helps prevent tooth decay. A new tee shirt is a special gift to remind them they are valuable. Knowing someone cares for them by providing food and items to improve their lives, no matter how small, gives children encouragement and hope for the future.